1. about
I went from Virginia suburbs, to a Missouri farm, to a small city in Florida to a large University, and have most recently ended up in the San Francisco Bay area. My interests started in mathematics, then naturally drifted into physics, into data science, into free software, and finally into decentralized technology. My life goal is to develop freedom respecting systems and facilitate their adoption by fellow humans.
2. hardware
I currently live in a van I built myself and developed my own standing/meandering compute setup.
3. software
The next big project I want to undertake is to explore solutions to the monetization problem of free culture. I have a presentation here, but it isn't really complete without me presenting it. I will try to record something at some point.
4. collaborating
I rarely get anything done without collaborators. The best way to reach out is through email, which I host at this domain under the name eikcaz. Everything here is licensed CC-BY-SA 4.0 or, at your option, any later version of the GNU GPL. (External links may be licenced differently.)
5. around the web
6. philosophy
If you want to know more about my philosophy, you will have to decipher it from the ramblings of a drug-addled, alien-obsessed, hobo.